secure cloud computing
Federated Secure Computing is a cloud architecture that simplifies the use of secure computation technologies.

developed by LMU Munich
Federated Secure Computing is championed by LMU Munich through scientific development, technology transfer, and industry application.
funded by Stifterverband
the project won the Innovation Award
and secured three years of funding by the
German donors’ association. thank you!
free and open source
start developing today. head over to the repositories at GitHub to find client and server libraries, examples, and documentation.

why privacy preserving computation?
businesses, institutions, and individuals often do not want to share their data openly. by computing on encrypted data, individual information remains private and only the result of the computation becomes known. data owners may cooperate and still retain full control over when, how and by whom their data is used.
how to approach privacy preserving computation?
however, computation on encrypted data is a complex task. the technology is novel and demanding. it is the aim of this project to reduce barriers to entry and provide a simple propaedeutic solution for early adopters.

what do you need to start?
to help you start your own privacy preserving solution, we provide an easy to use reference implementation. the propaedeutic and minimalistic solution is available as free and open source software.
groups of all sizes from single students to industry dev teams are welcome as users and contributors.
Stifterverband kindly extended the project duration to 08 / 2025.

let’s work together to create privacy friendly software

industry and public sector

science and universities

community and public relations